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Eclipse and the Cloud - Part 1

Suitable For: All Users,
Presenter: Michael Starkman
Pricing: Per Webinar: $49  ❖  Entire Suite: $89
CEUs: .2
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Don’t agonize. Organize.
- Florynce Kennedy

Every reporter needs organization, but the process can be overwhelming and intimidating. There’s so much to keep track of: job files, notes, audio files, exhibits, dictionaries, formats, include files, and more. The loss of your dictionary can have consequences that are almost unimaginable, but it’s no picnic to lose jobs or audio or anything else. Join Michael for this webinar. He’s going to show you how to get it together, how to store and protect all your data, easily and efficiently.

Programs such as Dropbox give the reporter a quick and easy way to transfer and synchronize files from computer to computer, and from computers to devices such as tablets and smartphones. There are many wonderful and practical applications for these programs in the reporting world, and that's one of our topics in this webinar series.


Programs such as Dropbox give the reporter a quick and easy way to transfer and synchronize files from computer to computer, and from computers to devices such as tablets and smart phones. There are many wonderful and practical applications for these programs in the reporting world.  For example, the reporter can create an ASCII file and have it appear instantly at their reporting firm for production; always be translating against and globalling to the same main dictionary; save time by quickly and easily transferring files to and from computers and devices and more; work out of the same jobs folder from all of your computers and more.  From there, Michael will discuss the value and benefits of internet storage.  Learn how to have all of your critical data instantly and effortlessly backed up.  Now that's peace of mind!


We'll also explore programs that enable the reporter to backup and store files in the cloud. Imagine the horror of a computer suddenly crashing and you don't have a backup of your main dictionary. What if you have years of notes stored and a transcript from many years ago has been requested? You have a serious problem if you can't retrieve them because your computer crashed, was damaged, or stolen.

Have you ever worked hours and hours on a file only for the computer to decide it was hungry and in the mood for a 285-page daily-copy transcript? Well, there's no need to lose sleep worrying about these scenarios. We're going to look at how internet storage and backup systems can give you the peace of mind you need as a reporting professional.

Here's an overview of what we'll cover in Part 1:


    • Quickly and easily transfer files from one computer to the other or from a computer to a device. You won't need those flash drives anymore for data transfer.
    • Eliminate the need to backup and restore a main dictionary if you use more than one computer. That's right, we'll show you how you can translate from and global to the same main dictionary even if you use more than one computer.
    • Place your entire Eclipse jobs folder into Dropbox. For those who have more than one computer, you can set up a central location for all your Eclipse files so no matter what computer you're working on when, you'll always be working out of the same jobs folder.
    • Transfer audio files.
    • As they're writing, reporters can send portions of their transcript directly to their scopist without having to stop the proceedings and email the job or audio file.
    • Transfer ASCII or PDF files to devices for proofreading.
    • Agency owners can have their reporters place their completed jobs into a designated folder. This can help their administrative staff stay organized.
    • Internet backup and storage solutions: What they are, how to get them, how they can benefit you, and the basic operations of these programs

Cloud Storage:

    • Internet backup and storage solutions: What they are, how to get them, how they can benefit you, and the basic operations of these programs.  Automatic and instantaneous backup of your data.  Now that's peace of mind!

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