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What's New in Total Eclipse 4.3

Suitable For: All Users,
Presenter: Michael Starkman
Pricing: Per Webinar: $49  ❖  Entire Suite: $49
CEUs: .2
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Total Eclipse Version 4.3 was released last August. If you haven't installed it by now, it's time! If you have installed it, you still should join us to learn about all the new and wonderful Eclipse goodness that's been added. There are lots of innovative features and enhancements that you should be making full use of. Auto-brief, one of the most popular features ever introduced has been expanded to give you complete control over the briefs it will suggest, along with other nice things like control over the window size and position. A new feature has been added to the Automatic Number conversion, a Seating Chart has been added, Audio playback has been improved, and much more. Join us for a webinar that is sure to improve your Eclipse productivity!

What's New In
Eclipse 4.3?
Auto-brief Expanded
Seating Chart
CART Window
More Number
Conversion Options
Auto-brief Enhancements
There's much to like about the changes and new features in Total Eclipse Version 4.3. But for those who write realtime the additions and enhancements to the Auto-brief feature will probably rank at the very top. A great feature has now been extended and improved spectacularly. Read more in the article on Auto-brief in this newsletter.
Michael Starkman is a former freelance reporter from Pennsylvania and a certified Eclipse trainer. He has given numerous seminars and webinars. They include regular presentations for Eclipse Seminars, as well as appearances as a speaker at NCRA’s national conventions and at various state conventions. Michael has a presentation style that is both captivating and easy to follow. He is able to present even the most complicated material in a clear, concise and enjoyable fashion.
New Eclipse Version 4.3
What You Should Know!

Powerful New Features
And Enhancements

Learn How To Use Them
In This Informative Webinar

by Michael Starkman

Total Eclipse Version 4.3 was released last August. If you haven't installed it by now, it's time! If you have installed it, you still should join us to learn about all the new and wonderful Eclipse goodness that's been added. There are lots of innovative features and enhancements that you should be making full use of. Auto-brief, one of the most popular features ever introduced has been expanded to give you complete control over the briefs it will suggest, along with other nice things like control over the window size and position. A new feature has been added to the Automatic Number conversion, a Seating Chart has been added, Audio playback has been improved, and much more. Join us for a webinar that is sure to improve your Eclipse productivity!
Auto-brief--Better Than Ever!
Auto-brief is a realtime writer's dream. It suggests briefs on the fly whenever we write something repeatedly. That's cool enough but many of our users have suggested ways the feature could be improved. As always, those suggestions were taken to heart and implemented. Now, for instance, you can create a personal theory for your auto-briefs, telling Eclipse what steno to use or not to use as it makes suggestions. You can also control the size and location of the Auto-brief window on your screen. Learn about this and more by attending Michael's webinar.
Eclipse Tip: Shortcuts When Globaling.
Most users waste lots of time when globaling because they don't know about shortcuts. For example: When you're globaling punctuation you can press the Ctrl key plus a punctuation key and it will be added to the global field with the required braces. So, Ctrl+, will yield {,} and Ctrl+. will yield {.} and so on. This will work for the period, comma, question mark, colon, and semi-colon. Each time you use a shortcut key for punctuation you save two strokes. It adds up!
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